Lilo & Stitch: The Series
This animated series chronicles the further adventures of renegade scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba's beloved Experiment 626, who is now living happily as Lilo's alien buddy Stitch. Jumba’s remaining experiments have landed all over Hawaii in the form of dehydrated pods. Lilo and Stitch’s mission is to catch Stitch’s "cousins" before they fall into the clutches of the evil Dr. Jacques von Hamsterviel!
This animated series chronicles the further adventures of renegade scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba's beloved Experiment 626, who is now living happily as Lilo's alien buddy Stitch. Jumba’s remaining experiments have landed all over Hawaii in the form of dehydrated pods. Lilo and Stitch’s mission is to catch Stitch’s "cousins" before they fall into the clutches of the evil Dr. Jacques von Hamsterviel!
6.7Kim Possible
7.5DC Super Hero Girls
7.9Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan
7.5Leviathan: The Last Defense
8.0Wire in the Blood
7.8Dragon Tales
7.3The Ghost Busters
7.0The Karate Kid
8.2Once Upon a Bite
9.0My Friends Tigger & Pooh
6.7Mermaid Magic
6.9Ultraman Taro
8.4Shaolin Wuzang
6.2American Dragon: Jake Long
7.7The League
7.4LEGO: Jurassic World - Legend of Isla Nublar
7.0The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse