The Forensic Examiner Song Ci
This series follows six young individuals led by Song Ci, who came together by chance. Collaborating to unravel mysterious cases, they found themselves caught in the political strife between the hawkish and dovish factions of the Southern Song Dynasty court. As they navigated through this, they transformed from naive youths to individuals with a genuine sense of patriotism and justice.
This series follows six young individuals led by Song Ci, who came together by chance. Collaborating to unravel mysterious cases, they found themselves caught in the political strife between the hawkish and dovish factions of the Southern Song Dynasty court. As they navigated through this, they transformed from naive youths to individuals with a genuine sense of patriotism and justice.
8.6The Wire
8.6Family Guy
8.4The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
5.8Bates Motel
8.1CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
7.8The 100
7.9Breaking Bad
8.9Steven Universe
8.4The Cleveland Show
5.8Human Planet
8.3The X-Files
8.4Little House on the Prairie
8.0Full House
7.5Rick and Morty