Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures
Claymation featuring Bert and Ernie, the loveable double act from `Sesame Street'.
Claymation featuring Bert and Ernie, the loveable double act from `Sesame Street'.
10 Episodes
Tiny Town: Bert and Ernie view the world from a different perspective when they shrink to a tiny size. They have fun in a toy car and a puppy mistakes Bert for a toy.
August 11, 2008Bert and Ernie set off to find Uncle Arnold's buried treasure. They are helped along the way by a pesky monkey who trades his know-how for Bert's pirate gear, leaving Bert in his long johns. When a big storm hits and washes their boat away, Bert and Ernie must work together to save the day.
August 12, 2008Planet Bert: Claymation featuring Bert and Ernie from 'Sesame Street'. Bert and Ernie don their astronaut gear and take a trip into space.
August 13, 2008Ernie and Bert are working in a bakery. They get a call from Big Bob, who makes a huge order for "Chocolate Surprise", a pastry they're never even heard of before, and he wants it in only a short while. In a panic, Bert carefully follows the instructions from a cookbook for big orders, while Ernie less-than-carefully throws the ingredients together, making a mess of the bakery. Big Bob arrives, and is very pleased with their work, as their mess turns out to be exactly the Chocolate Surprise that he had ordered.
August 14, 2008Ernie and Bert are cavemen. Since they have no grocery stores or restaurants, they must find food on their own. Ernie finds a giant egg in a nest and he and Bert take it back to their cave. When Bert starts to cook it, it hatches and a baby dinosaur emerges, calling the attention of the Mama Dinosaur. After getting chased, they see how sad the mother is without her baby, so they give him back and are rewarded with bananas to eat.
August 15, 2008As ecologists, Bert and Ernie must preserve and protect the plants and animals of the rain forest. Unfortunately, this rain forest has a displaced beaver with the ambition to build a Grand Opera House! It's up to Bert and Ernie to convince the beaver the importance of the rain forest before he gnaws down all the trees for his Opera House.
August 18, 2008Bert and Ernie find themselves in Antarctica befriended by a bossy penguin who enlists Bert to be Daddy Penguin. As Bert leans, keeping an egg safe and warm is easier than it sounds, especially when you're surrounded by snowy hills and ice!
August 19, 2008Now cowboys in the old west, Sheriff Ernie and Deputy Bert must find Clarice the Cow, the only source of milk in the area. A singing cactus tells them she’s in Horseshoe Gulch. They head for the town on their “taxi” (a donkey named Speedy). Ernie hears “cow sounds” coming from the saloon and lo and behold, they see Clarice dancing with Billy the Bull. They use the element of surprise to enter, but she reveals that she and Billy are going on a world tour and their carriage is arriving at “high noon”. They try to convince her to stay by making Bert be her dancing partner, but he’s dancing is not up to her standards. Bert believes she could make the world come to her, which touches her and she decides to stay. Ernie, Bert and Speedy enjoy some fresh milk.
August 20, 2008Ernie and Bert are now in an Arabian town, where Ernie finds a dusty old lamp. He rubs it and a genie waitress comes out and grants them three wishes. Ernie wishes for a "Duckie Touch", where everything he touches turns into Rubber Duckies. This story is a mixture of the Aladdin story from One Thousand and One Nights, and the King Midas story from Greek mythology.
August 21, 2008Bert and Ernie are now the world’s greatest inventors, making their latest creation. They name their new robot Frankie and begin commanding it to do things, such as squeaking Ernie’s duckie or yodeling. Bert makes him do something “useful” by making Frankie knit him some argyle socks. He leaves to get a pair as a visual aid, leaving Ernie alone with the robot. Frankie gets carried away with Ernie’s orders and makes a mess of the lab. Bert stops the madness by asking Frankie to “please stop.” He makes Ernie and Frankie clean up, then joins them in their clean-up dance.
August 22, 2008