Committed is a television sitcom that aired on NBC as a midseason replacement from January 4 to March 15, 2005. Although originally broadcast twice a week the series eventually settled in a regular timeslot on Tuesdays at 9:30PM EST after Scrubs. The show starred Josh Cooke and Jennifer Finnigan and costarred Darius McCrary, Tammy Lynn Michaels and Tom Poston. Cooke and Finnigan played two single and extremely eccentric New Yorkers who are subject to constant interference when they begin dating from their equally eccentric friends and Finnigan's roommate, known only as "Dying Clown" or "Clown" who was actually a clown, played by Tom Poston. The show ran for 13 episodes. Clips and fan-generated montages can still be found online, but no official DVDs have been produced.
Committed is a television sitcom that aired on NBC as a midseason replacement from January 4 to March 15, 2005. Although originally broadcast twice a week the series eventually settled in a regular timeslot on Tuesdays at 9:30PM EST after Scrubs. The show starred Josh Cooke and Jennifer Finnigan and costarred Darius McCrary, Tammy Lynn Michaels and Tom Poston. Cooke and Finnigan played two single and extremely eccentric New Yorkers who are subject to constant interference when they begin dating from their equally eccentric friends and Finnigan's roommate, known only as "Dying Clown" or "Clown" who was actually a clown, played by Tom Poston. The show ran for 13 episodes. Clips and fan-generated montages can still be found online, but no official DVDs have been produced.
The War at Home
7.0Stranger Things
8.6The Walking Dead
8.1Money Heist
8.2Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5The Mandalorian
8.4Game of Thrones
8.5Breaking Bad
8.3The 100
8.5Black Mirror
8.2The Simpsons
8.7Sex Education
8.2The Queen's Gambit
8.5Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
7.0Twin Peaks