The series revolves around the Dawn family: Paige (Monet), a Spelman College sophomore whose life derails after falling for a "bad boy"; her father, Councilman Robert Dawn (Christie), whose mayoral aspirations come with significant personal and moral sacrifices; and his wife, Connie (Ali), striving to hold the family together. Set against the backdrop of Atlanta's two major cultural events at the time - Freaknik and the 1996 Summer Olympics - their personal drama unfolds.
The series revolves around the Dawn family: Paige (Monet), a Spelman College sophomore whose life derails after falling for a "bad boy"; her father, Councilman Robert Dawn (Christie), whose mayoral aspirations come with significant personal and moral sacrifices; and his wife, Connie (Ali), striving to hold the family together. Set against the backdrop of Atlanta's two major cultural events at the time - Freaknik and the 1996 Summer Olympics - their personal drama unfolds.
Darin Toonder
Jacob Smith
Tatyana Ali
Connie Dawn
Sharon Conley
Lauren Thompson
Evan Gamble
West Montez
Jordan Coleman
Donovan Christie Jr.
Robert Dawn
Stephen David Calhoun
Police Captain
Shawn Vaughn
Ava Mone't
Paige Dawn
Malcolm Xavier
Jalen Gilbert
Joe Manuel Gallegos Jr.
Undercover Officer