Look Around You

Season 22002

LOOK AROUND YOU. Look around you. Just look around you. What do you see? A tree. A weather-vane. A discarded lollipop-wrapper. A traffic shop. All of these things, and any other things you may care to mention, have one thing in common. Can you work out what it is?

8 Episodes

    E01 Maths

    Maths can help us in our daily lives - for example, in cooking pasta, in calculating the correct moment for starting a conversation, or (if you can fly) in working out where to land. Queen Elizabeth III and Queen Elizabeth IV are going to a party given by Queen Elizabeth V. QE3 has forty dresses to choose from, QE4 has four thousand, and QE5 has only one dress, but it can take the form of many dresses. Then, during the night, QE3's servant steals the plans for QE4's party dress and, working till dawn, makes four thousand exact copies... So can we reckon what the chance is that all of the Queens will be wearing the same dress at the party?

    October 10, 2002

    E02 Water

    In this episode we learn about the amazing igloo-building skills of ants and the surprising ability of water to boil eggs.

    October 17, 2002

    E03 Germs

    You need to know something about Germs. You really do. And Professor Miles can help you...

    October 24, 2002

    E04 Ghosts

    Why can't ghosts whistle? Well, let's hear from a ghost.

    October 31, 2002

    E05 Sulphur

    Sulphur is revealed, and the story is not really about brimstone.

    November 7, 2002

    E06 Music

    A brief investigation of the world of music, from its Neolithic beginnings...

    November 21, 2002

    E07 Iron

    Iron (Fe) is not quite all it's cut up to be... The use of magnets is strictly prohibited during this episode.

    December 4, 2002

    E08 The Brain

    The team investigates the human brain and meets a man who is addicted to Electronic Brain Enhancements. What happens if you probe the brobe? How many nuts are there in a jar? And what are brain flakes? All of these questions are addressed, if not answered.

    December 11, 2002