My Life is a Sitcom
My Life is a Sitcom is a reality television series that aired on ABC Family. Eight families were chosen to have their homes invaded by sitcom writers to determine whether their lives are worthy of being made into a sitcom.
My Life is a Sitcom is a reality television series that aired on ABC Family. Eight families were chosen to have their homes invaded by sitcom writers to determine whether their lives are worthy of being made into a sitcom.
11 Episodes
In this episode You meet the Mozians! Joe- Stayed home dad / Comedian with his children / Eats a lot! Michele- Mom, helping Joe find a job! Michael & Alex- 2 young boys. Joes dad has over 26 phones in his house. Joes mother-in-law brings kewish.
January 20, 2003In this episode we meet the Millers! Mom- A desprate woman looking for love! Maria- Teenage sister!. Nick- The Prankster! Alayna- The Cute One!
January 27, 2003Jennifer- Older Sister Allison- Younger Sister Both destend to host/star their very own Sitcom and finally meet their true love, Tom Cruise!
February 3, 2003Camille- Upsessed with the dead. (Oldest Sister) Karen- Own's her own Hair Sallon. (Middle Sister) Diane- Affraid of driving. (Youngest Sister)
February 10, 2003The Pro-restling Family competes to see if there life can become a reality Sitcom.
February 16, 2003With Crazy-Cupon-Clipping Mom at work. the kids have a great ballence.
February 24, 2003Retired Rockstar musicans mom and dad now taking on a family!
March 3, 2003THe Bollmann Family as the next Modern Partridge Family. They even created the're own theme song for the're Sitcom...if it turns out that way.
March 10, 2003The Zaccagnino Sisters and The _____ Will compete to have there own sitcom!
March 17, 2003The Executive Producers reveal who won their own sitcom. It was the Zaccagnino Family! They then showed their very own Pilot.
March 24, 2003In The Zaccagnino Family Pilot, it tells the short story of a famous celeb coming to their Hair Styling Shop. But when the husband gets the message wrong, its not really a Celeb coming for a haircut.
March 24, 2003