Beverly Hills Vet
Beverly Hills Vet is an American television program that deals with problematic pets and their eccentric owners. This show is hosted by Katrina Warren. It was shown on the channel Animal Planet.
Beverly Hills Vet is an American television program that deals with problematic pets and their eccentric owners. This show is hosted by Katrina Warren. It was shown on the channel Animal Planet.
5 Episodes
Katrina and an interesting cast of characters help Emily Harris find her missing cat Frank.
September 2, 2003With the passing of a beloved bunny, one L.A. couple seeks Katrina's help in finding the surving bunny a new friend.
September 9, 2003Clarissa and Richard Hendels have their hands full with an aggressive potbellied pig named Ribbitt and call Katrina to the rescue.
September 16, 2003This episode finds Katrina dodging llama spit, experiencing her first pet hypnotherapy session and making a Pomeranian more comfortable on a hog.
September 23, 2003Katrina goes undercover to nab a refrigerator raiding pup and witnesses the matrimonial vows of two birds in love.
September 30, 2003