A British television sitcom set on Merseyside that revolves around the relationship between Malcolm, a polite and friendly but dull man from middle-class Meols, and Brenda, a sharp-tongued, rough-around-the-edges working-class girl from Liverpool. Instead of the typical 'will they, won't they get together?', after getting together in the first episode, the show is more 'will they, won't they break up?' Watching refers to both the acerbic people watching that Brenda does and the bird watching that Malcolm enjoys, much to the disappointment of Brenda.
A British television sitcom set on Merseyside that revolves around the relationship between Malcolm, a polite and friendly but dull man from middle-class Meols, and Brenda, a sharp-tongued, rough-around-the-edges working-class girl from Liverpool. Instead of the typical 'will they, won't they get together?', after getting together in the first episode, the show is more 'will they, won't they break up?' Watching refers to both the acerbic people watching that Brenda does and the bird watching that Malcolm enjoys, much to the disappointment of Brenda.
7.1The Boys
8.5Better Call Saul
8.7Stranger Things
8.6The Good Doctor
8.5The Walking Dead
8.1Game of Thrones
8.5Breaking Bad
8.9Doctor Who
8.8The Office
8.6The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
8.6The Big Bang Theory
7.9House of the Dragon
8.4The Acolyte
5.6The Mandalorian
8.4Dragon Ball Z
8.3Only Murders in the Building