6 Episodes
The first episode of Chuck Woolery: Naturally Stoned takes viewers on a whirlwind tour of Chuck's life and also sees him peforming his hit ""Naturally Stoned"" for the first time ever live and behind the scenes of Lingo. It describes that back in the sixties, it was a time when drug usage was highly prevalent. Chuck wanted to make a song about a natural high and so he ended up doing ""Naturally Stoned"" with his band Avant-Garde and Bubba Fowler. It was a bit of a hit, but the follow-up never got off the ground. Chuck went on to TV, doing such shows as the New Zoo Revue playing a really old and wacky character called ""Mr. Dingle."" He ended up on the show Tattletales and Merv Griffin asked him if he had ever becoming a game-show host. It was all part of Merv's ""big head"" theory - and Chuck had one! Merv Griffin had a project, Wheel of Fortune and he gave Chuck the role as host. Chuck, however, quit the role and was replaced by Pat Sajak - a decision he said he still regrets. Chuck later hos
June 15, 2003This second episode of Naturally Stoned begins at Chuck's place and with an ""intimate moment"" with him and his family. Well, sort of. At least as intimate as one can get with a narrator talking over it. Afterwards, we see Chuck parting with his family. The narrator discusses the paradox of how he wants to spend more time with his family, but in order to do so, he has to work. He heads to the set of Lingo, where things are getting set up. The narrator takes a moment to discuss some of the work that's gone into Lingo. We see versions of Lingo from all around the world, including a very strange version featuring weird transvestites in Israel. We also get to see contestants trying out for the show, as well as expressing their love for Chuck. Finally, we see a real Lingo problem. A team on the show is down to their last guess for a word. They guess ""weald,"" which is incorrect, but most importantly, there's a large controversy over whether it's an actual word or not. Other words fly back and
June 22, 2003The main focus of this episode is Chuck Woolery at the discount store. He is looking for his favorite food, Knudsen's Cottage Cheese, but also has some other shopping he needs to do. He visits what the show calls ""Bulk Item Store,"" as they're apparently not allowed to reveal the name of the store or certain other things such as Chuck's favorite soda. As such, there's a series of humorous ""disclaimers."" We learn that Chuck Woolery's uncle told him that he should always buy store brands, although it would seem that Chuck still usually goes for name brands anyway. Interspersed with the shopping segments is a feature on the recording of the ""Chuck Wagon"" music video which has been used as a promo for the show. The store plot is finally resolved when Chuck finds that the store no longer carries Knudsen's Cottage Cheese. He calls for the store manager, who says they're trying something new. He insists that Chuck taste it and Chuck does, but says it just isn't like Knudsen's. He's even more s
June 29, 2003Chuck is excited about a brand of bass fishing lure called ""Motolure."" So excited, that he's going to go sell it on QVC. This, however, isn't as easy as it sounds. First, he has to hook up with Mark Young, a friend of his. They spend some time in a cheap hotel, before setting out for QVC. But when they can't find a rental-car place, they end up getting a ride from a Naturally Stoned sound person named Gil. After a long ride on the New Jersey turnpike, a tired Chuck arrives at QVC headquarters. A little makeup and he's ready to go. The bass fishing lure is a huge success, raking in over $100,000 while Chuck is on the air and soon selling out.
July 6, 2003In this episode, the focus is on Chuck and how he relates to people in general. Chuck's ""Tao"" is such that he cares about how he feels about people. He doesn't mind so much if people don't like him, although that's nice too. What he really wants to do, though, is be as kind as he can towards others. Chuck loves people that are ""fun,"" who like to play and have a good time. To show some of this, we get a backstage look at some contestants on the show Lingo. There are two teams: Benjamin and Josh and Katherine and Daneka. Benjamin and Josh have a shrine to game show personalities, claim to watch GSN 22 hours a day and can't wait to meet Chuck. Katerhine and Daneka are massage therapists and are... beautiful. Later on in the show, scenes are shown from the episode in which they competed, but first the focus is on some of the GSN staff. For example, there's Kevin, the production assistant. He's portrayed as basically the bottom of the staffing ladder, with a beatup car, a bad apartment and
July 13, 2003This episode takes as look back at the series and also delves into some of the unfortunate problems Chuck is facing with his marriage. At the start of the episode, we see Teri telling Chuck to just pop in sometime and give her a kiss. We also see an argument between Chuck and Teri, with Teri asking the camerapeople to turn the camera off. Still, as the narrator explains, Chuck is the embodiment of ""grace under fire."" We see him talking about his rugged tan and we see him keeping his cool as the cameras following him around. The narrator talks about how GSN wanted into the ""rage"" that is reality TV. We see Chuck watching the unveiling of the giant bobblehead doll that was part of the publicity stunt for the show. We also watch the producers play a little trick on Chuck on the show Lingo, with ""penis"" being a mystery word. Various GSN hosts pay their respects to Chuck. Chuck's advice on love is interspersed with seems from the segment in which he was giving advice to producer Tim Keegan
July 27, 2003