Twisted Tales
Twisted Tales is a dark and stylish comedy drama series. With intense scripts written by a mix of established writers and upcoming talent, each story is a self-contained episode with a mysterious twist. The tales set out to spook the brain and tickle the funny bone, so be prepared to expect the unexpected. The series is very closely related to Spine Chillers, an earlier BBC Three series. In effect, Twisted Tales is a rebranded second series of the earlier successful production.
Twisted Tales is a dark and stylish comedy drama series. With intense scripts written by a mix of established writers and upcoming talent, each story is a self-contained episode with a mysterious twist. The tales set out to spook the brain and tickle the funny bone, so be prepared to expect the unexpected. The series is very closely related to Spine Chillers, an earlier BBC Three series. In effect, Twisted Tales is a rebranded second series of the earlier successful production.
The Catherine Tate Show
6.8Dancing on the Grave
3.0The Garry Moore Show
7.0The Corridor People
4.0One Meter Sunlight
10.0Wer stiehlt mir die Show?
7.9The World in Your Home
4.0Elbet Bir Gün
5.0Love in Translation
5.0Secrets of the Jurassic Dinosaurs
9.0Tari Tari
7.8Shinchan (Vitello Dub)
10.0Definitely Not Today
8.5Miss Tilly's Fun Time TV Minute