11 Episodes
Sarah's best friend LeAndre is a track star who is VERY ATTRACTIVE, which is why she gives all the girls who want him the cold shoulder. Four girls will be competing to be LeAndre's date and Sarah will choose which girl she liked best at the end of the competition. Opponents: Jodee (eliminated with Amy), Alyssa (1st runner up), Amy (eliminated with Jodee), Lashell (WINNER) Sarah liked Lashell because she knew LeAndre's taste in music pretty well and she was very pretty and can dance very well. LeAndre and Lashell's Date: They had a really good time. She rapped for him and he gave her a massage. They really connected and LeAndre loved her smile. He said the problem was that she was a few years younger than him. Lashell wanted to go on another date and it seemed like LeAndre was going to say he didn't want to because of the age difference, they made it all intense to keep you hanging there for a moment...and he said YES! He wants to go on another date with her!
December 3, 2004Jessica's best friend Jennie is an artistic girl who is pretty cute, so she's looking for a guy that will make her happy and hasa creative side to him. Four guys will be competing to be Jennie's date. Jessica has the guys strut their stuff down the runway to earn a Hollywood dream date with Jennie. Opponents: Trevor (eliminated with Brett), Jamie (1st runner up), Brett (eliminated with Trevor), Brian (WINNER) Jessica liked Brian because he was nice and he was kind of sensitive, which is what Jennie likes in a guy. Jennie and Brian's Date: They had a really good time. They got makeovers and had to choose each other's outfits. They went to a diner and discussed embarassing dates and other things about themselves and then they went to a Hollywood party with celebrities such as Jack Osbourne, Bow Wow, and Lindsay Lohan. Jennie definitely wanted to go on another date with Brian because she thought he was pretty cool and nice but just when Brian was about to tell her whether he wan
December 10, 2004Lindsay's best friend Julie needs a guy that can heal her broken heart since she's had a bad year with guys. Julie is into music and acting (theatre). Four guys compete to be Julie's date and make a gift for her based on clues and Lindsay makes them write a song in a few minutes for Julie showing off their creativity. Opponents: Asher (eliminated) Eugene (eliminated) ? Zach (winner)
December 17, 2004Ashley must choose a date for her bad-boy lovin' best friend and little sister Sierra. A guy who is outgoing and cute. Ashley is overprotective of Sierra and who she goes out with. The guys must compete in a dance-off since Sierra is a dancer. Opponents: Avi (eliminated with Scott) Hadley (WINNER) Jon (eliminated) Scott (eliminated with Avi) Ashley liked Hadley because he was really funny and outgoing and thought that he would be a good date for Sierra. Sierra and Hadley's Date: Sierra thought Hadley was cute and funny and Hadley thought she was gorgeous. At first, things were kind of weird but then they started to open up to each other. They had to work out a dance routine to get money for their dinner, gathering a total of $13.88. As the date goes on, they discover that they don't have much in common. A psychic comes in and tells them that the two are not that compatible and that they should just be friends. Hadley kind of agrees with the psychic. Hadley didn't want to go on an
December 28, 2004Lily must choose a date for her best friend Daniel after breaking his heart. She needs to find a girl that is into cars and hanging out in Orange County. The four girls must show off their special talents. Brittany (eliminated with Lila) Melissa (WINNER) Lila (eliminated with Brittany) Jaquleen (eliminated) Lily chose Melissa because she seemed like the nicest and most outgoing of all the girls and thought she would be a good date for Daniel. Daniel and Melissa's Date: They like each other so far and each thinks the other is cute. They have some things in common: they both hate fish. They talked about normal things like movies and school and their lives. They had to throw fish and put it into the bucket. At dinner, there were questions in the oyster and they had to ask each other and this helped them get to know each other more. They both connected and had a really good time. They were invited to party on a yacht with their best friends. Both Daniel and Melissa want to see each o
December 30, 2004Surfer-boy Zack must pick an attractive girl who is very active for his best friend Shelby. The four girls competing must show Zack some kung-fu movie moves because Shelby is into kung-fu movies. Dianna (WINNER) Amanda (eliminated with Taylor) Nadya (eliminated) Taylor (eliminated with Amanda) Dianna was chosen because she seems to be the innocent type and Shelby likes that in girls. Shelby and Dianna's Date: Shelby thinks Dianna is pretty and her body has a nice shape and Dianna says that Shelby usually isn't the type she goes for; she usually goes for guys that are 6 feet and taller, but she is willing to give Shelby a chance. They are getting to know each other's musical interets. Then they have to use a metal detector to find objects telling them what their activities are for the night and they dig up the objects from the sand at the beach. The objects they find are a hula skirt and a ukelele. They are starting to warm each other and are having a good time. They ask each othe
January 7, 2005Allison needs to pick a guy who's funny, treats the guy well, dorky, and not too serious for her best friend Alan. The guys have to write poetry for Alan and perform it. Abel (eliminated with Mark) Evan (WINNER) Mark (eliminated with Abel) Eric (eliminated) Alison chooses Evan because he's a lot of fun and seems like Alan's type. Alan and Evan's Date: Alan was nervous because he's very good looking and Evan thinks Alan is cute. They start to make some small talk. Alan thinks Evan is funny and loves that he likes to tell stories because he likes to be entertained and Evan likes that Alan is sarcastic. They get to know each other on a deeper level when they talk about ""coming out"": Alan's parents still love him and wanted to talk about everything and Evan's parents know that he is gay but they haven't really talked about it yet. They then go to this place where they have to play pool handcuffed. While in the car, they talk about gay marriage and how they wouldn't want to be called
January 14, 2005Emily needs to find her best friend Nicole, a cheerleader, a date. Nicole is into all types of guys, just one that is nice and fun to be around. The guys competing to be Nicole's date have to make a cheer for her. Conway (WINNER) Alex (eliminated) Lucas (eliminated with Dan) Dan (eliminated with Lucas) Nicole and Conway's Date: When they first saw each other, they both liked each other and thought they were going to have a good time. Conway reveals that he is 17 years old when Nicole asks him his age and she tells him she's 15. Even though he is a little old for her, she said that it doesn't matter. They had to write a song in ten minutes and record it together. It was embarassing, but it went well! Once they got in the car, that's when the awkward silences began. Conway tried to make some small talk, but she just didn't say much. At dinner, it got worse. They were barely saying anything to each other. Conway once again tried to make small talk, but did not succeed. He felt like
January 21, 2005Dejon must find a girl for his best friend Thomas that is smart, funny, attractive and nice. The four girls competing must dance to a special mix that Thomas made for them. They all get him a gift based on 3 clues. Hayley (eliminated with Shedonna) Ariane (WINNER) Brianna (eliminated) Shedonna (eliminated with Hayley) Dejon chose Ariane because she's very upfront and mature. Thomas and Ariane's Date: Thomas and Ariane recognize each other from before because flirted with Ariane and her best friend Shana at the same time. They start arguing a little, but not in a bad way. They go on radio station Power 105.9 (106) and Ariane says Thomas is conceited and he says she's full of herself, but while on the air, they say the date is going well. Thomas interviews Ariane to learn more about her, and now the chemistry is starting to build up a little more. Thomas likes that she is a positive and honest person. Ariane asks Thomas some questions to get to know him better at dinner. Ariane say
January 28, 2005Asia must pick a guy for her picky best friend Erin who loves basketball. She has the boys dribbling a basketball and showing off some dance moves at the same time to get a chance to go one-on-one with Erin. Chris (WINNER) D-Trus (eliminated with Garrett) Dre (eliminated) Garrett (eliminated with D-Trus) Asia chose Chris because he seemed like a nice guy and got Erin a mirror for a gift which was perfect and really opened up to Asia. Erin and Chris' date: They both like each other so far. They then go golfing and Erin cheats, making her the champion. They had a good time golfing. They found out that they have something in common: they both can't live without music. At dinner, Erin asked Chris some questions to get to know each other better. The chemistry was starting to heat up. They meet up with their best friends. Chris tells his best friend that he sees a future for him and Erin while Erin tells Asia that she had a good time and that Asia did a good job of finding her a date.
February 4, 2005Real world best friends Aubrey Graham (Jimmy from Degrassi) and Ali Mukaddam (Ray from Radio Free Roscoe) get some help from Stacey Farber (Eli from Degrassi) to find dates for each other and hit the LA hot spots. Ali needs a girl with a sense of humor and is very creative. Aubrey and Stacey have the girls strut their stuff on the runway to show off some of their modeling moves. Girls competing for Ali: Jessica #1 (eliminated with Katie) Erin (WINNER) Katie (eliminated with Jessica) Bailey (eliminated) Aubrey chose Erin because even though she has a great sense of humor and likes to have fun, she can also be serious so Ali won't get tired of her. Aubrey needs a girl who likes music, romantic dinners, and is a big movie fan. Ali and Stacey have the girls do a love scene in which they propose to Ali to show off some of their acting skills. Girls competing for Aubrey: Candice (WINNER) Jessica #2 (eliminated with Kat) Kat (eliminated with Jessica) Jackie (eliminated) This c
February 11, 2005