Under the Umbrella Tree
Under the Umbrella Tree is a Canadian children's television series created by Noreen Young that originally aired on CBC from 1986–1993. The show was produced by CBC and Noreen Young Productions, and also later by The Disney Channel. The series centers around a diverse set of main characters who share a house on Spring Street in a suburb of Ottawa, Ontario. The characters include Holly, Iggy, Jacob, and Gloria. The show's title is derived from the fact that the characters live together in a home featuring a prominent indoor umbrella tree. When production of the show ended in 1993, syndication continued on The Disney Channel until 1996, and on YTV and Canal Famille until 1997. Twenty-seven episodes of the show were released to DVD by Cinerio Entertainment in partnership with Noreen Young in 2006, following a long wait for expiration of ownership rights.
Under the Umbrella Tree is a Canadian children's television series created by Noreen Young that originally aired on CBC from 1986–1993. The show was produced by CBC and Noreen Young Productions, and also later by The Disney Channel. The series centers around a diverse set of main characters who share a house on Spring Street in a suburb of Ottawa, Ontario. The characters include Holly, Iggy, Jacob, and Gloria. The show's title is derived from the fact that the characters live together in a home featuring a prominent indoor umbrella tree. When production of the show ended in 1993, syndication continued on The Disney Channel until 1996, and on YTV and Canal Famille until 1997. Twenty-seven episodes of the show were released to DVD by Cinerio Entertainment in partnership with Noreen Young in 2006, following a long wait for expiration of ownership rights.
3 Body Problem
7.5Angel's Last Mission: Love
8.1Avatar the Last Airbender
8.3When the Phone Rings
8.4Detective Forst
6.3LoveLive! Superstar!!
8.2The Artful Dodger
8.0Clase 406
7.9Dark Fate
7.2My Sweet Fat Valentina
7.5Soy tu dueña
7.7Dark Matter
7.8My First First Love
8.3The Sound of Magic
7.7Percy Jackson and the Olympians
7.4Seoul Busters
8.5All the Queen's Men