Ghostly Encounters
Ghostly Encounters is a Canadian paranormal documentary television series that premiered on July 16, 2005 to January 19, 2011. on Viva/W Network. The program also airs on A&E's The Biography Channel in the United States. The show was created by executive producer Phyllis Platt, is produced by Brian Dennis, and is hosted by Lawrence Chau. The program uses a combination of interviews and dramatic recreations, examining the events that led its subjects to accept or reject occurrences as supernatural, and how the experience has helped or hindered them. Ghostly Encounters won a Gemini Award for best original score in 2007.
Ghostly Encounters is a Canadian paranormal documentary television series that premiered on July 16, 2005 to January 19, 2011. on Viva/W Network. The program also airs on A&E's The Biography Channel in the United States. The show was created by executive producer Phyllis Platt, is produced by Brian Dennis, and is hosted by Lawrence Chau. The program uses a combination of interviews and dramatic recreations, examining the events that led its subjects to accept or reject occurrences as supernatural, and how the experience has helped or hindered them. Ghostly Encounters won a Gemini Award for best original score in 2007.
The Old Man
8.0The Walking Dead: Dead City
8.1Eek! The Cat
6.8The Last of Us
8.6The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
8.1Black Mirror
8.3Golden Trio
6.1Little Fires Everywhere
7.6Money Heist
6.7Masters of the Air
7.8His Dark Materials
7.9Welcome to Wrexham
7.8Mr. McMahon
8.0After Life
7.9Years and Years
7.6Inside Man
6.9Lawmen: Bass Reeves