The Hardy Boys
The Hardy Boys is an animated series, produced by Filmation and aired Saturday mornings on ABC in 1969. It featured the Hardy Boys, Joe and Frank, along with their friends Chubby Morton, Wanda Kay Breckenridge, and Pete Jones touring as a rock band while solving mysteries. The series is also notable for its opening and closing credits, which the Hardys appeared in live action. The series debuted at the same time as Hanna-Barbera's similarly themed Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, which was scheduled against the show on CBS.
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
8.2We Are
8.9Tu cara me suena
7.1Together: Treble Winners
6.9The Naked Truth
6.4Life Special Investigation Team
4.5Lugares singulares
8.0Victim Number 8
8.5Ms. Marvel
6.4Thirteen Against Fate
10.0Queer Eye: We're in Japan!
7.2The Sun Beside the Moon
6.7Cat People
4.8Unter Deutschen - Zwangsarbeit im NS-Staat
7.0Operation Lost Boy
5.5Beijing Youth
6.0New Eden