Kinderen van Rutte

Season 12025

A dive into the lives of a group of young adults who know Mark Rutte not only as prime minister, but also as their former social studies teacher at the Johan de Witt College in The Hague's Schilderswijk. Who are these students? And how have they developed further in society?

3 Episodes

    E01 The Dutch dream

    The former students reminisce about teacher Mark. What was the lesson about and how did Rutte manage to touch them? Prime Minister Rutte always said that in the Netherlands everyone has an equal chance to achieve their dreams. The students test that belief against their own lives.

    March 10, 2025

    E02 The hardworking Dutchman

    Prime Minister Rutte was certain: the citizen is self-reliant and if you work hard, you don't need the government. The former students tell whether they consider themselves to be hard-working Dutch people. How reliable is the government in their lives in which they are successful, but in which student debt, housing shortage and allowances also play a role?

    March 11, 2025

    E03 A cool country

    What makes you feel at home in Dutch society and heard? Mark Rutte's former students talk about how connecting their former teacher was as prime minister and how that influenced their lives. They also send Rutte a postcard.

    March 12, 2025