10 Episodes
On this episode, you'll see a Madonna fan named Chris Gennaro. Chris is so totally obsessed with recreating Madonna's costumes, he stopped his dream of being a doctor for his obsession. Then see a man who has undergone ten major body modification surgeries to look like a cat. Also, see a man on his wedding day, as he pledges his love for Miami Vice, rather than his wife (you'll never believe who his best man was!) Then, meet Pat and Joe Prosey, a couple who have been raising a cabbage patch doll named Kevin, calling him their son for the past nineteen years. Kevin has a custom made corvette, a college fund and a jealous sister. (Wouldn't you be?)
Michele Ivey is obsessed with The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. To become the fifth hero in a shell, Michelle has spent over $5,000 in karate lessons and even bought the 'head' (a costume head worn in the movie) of the turtle Michaelangelo. In this episode you'll also meet Travis Bell, a Dukes of Hazzard fanatic who spent a year's salary to see the series signature automobile, The General Lee, fly again. Then you'll meet Brent Moffat, a man obsessed with piercing. Brent plans to set a world record by piercing himself three thousand times in hono of how many people died in the 9/11 tragedy. Finally, Nancy Townsend is a woman who is raising her four geese and one duck as her children and traded in her house for a duck friendly RV.
Get your red hooded sweatshirt and Reese's Pieces, as you meet Nick Gjoka, a man so obsessed with the alien, E.T., he recreates scenes from the movie. Then meet Melissa Duncan, a woman so obsessed with the Lord of the Rings films, she hangs out with cardboard cutouts of the characters. Melissa talks to them, plays with them and even takes them out to eat on a daily basis. Say hello to Gerald Underwood, a man so into Clint Eastwood-he's even mastered the ""clint squint"". Finally, there's Kitten K. Sera, a woman so obsessed with the color pink, she dyes everything from her food and clothes to her cat the color.
Tim Crist is so obsessed with Pac Man, he has built a shrine in his basement. Home is where the haunt is for Pat and Sandra McGee. They are so obsessed with The Munsters television series they've spent over $250,000 turning their home into an exact replica of the Munster's. Then, it's off to Never Never Land to meet Randy Constin, a man obsessed with being Peter Pan. Randy has perfected the art of leaping and even more importantly, how to 'sparkle' in a pair of green tights. Then, meet Nicki McRoberts, who is so totally obsessed with gaining weight she won't rest until she is 600 pounds. To be sure she is ready for bikini season she's been spending her summer taking in close to 14,000 calories a day.