Nickelodeon All-Star Challenge
Nickelodeon All-Star Challenge is a three-episode game show television special that aired during The Big Help on October 3, 1994. The hosts of the special were Guts' Mike O'Malley, Double Dare and What Would You Do?'s Robin Marrella, who also served as referee, and Nick Arcade's Phil Moore, who also represented Double Dare due to his hosting the now-defunct traveling live show at the time. Representing Legends of the Hidden Temple was the character of "Olmec," voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. USA Today described the show as merging "the best games from Guts, Double Dare, Legends of the Hidden Temple and What Would You Do? into one big show." The show additionally combined all-star players from its contemporaneously-airing game shows Legends of the Hidden Temple and Guts with celebrities for fun.
Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
7.7The War Next-door
7.3The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
7.9Chicago P.D.
8.4Whenever Possible
7.8Oh Yeah! Cartoons
9.0Pasión prohibida
7.9Niña Amada Mía
7.6Clase 406
7.9The Club
4.4Power Book III: Raising Kanan
8.3Light as a Feather
7.8The Trusted
8.7Tokyo Swindlers
6.8The Wilds
7.7Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!