The Killing
The Killing is a Danish police procedural set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team, with each season series following a different murder case day-by-day and a one-hour episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the story of the murdered victim's family alongside the police investigation. It has also been singled out for the photography of its Danish setting, and for the acting ability of its cast.
The Killing is a Danish police procedural set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team, with each season series following a different murder case day-by-day and a one-hour episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the story of the murdered victim's family alongside the police investigation. It has also been singled out for the photography of its Danish setting, and for the acting ability of its cast.
Sofie Gråbøl
Sarah Lund
Morten Suurballe
Lennart Brix
Nikolaj Lie Kaas
Mathias Borch
Sigurd Holmen le Dous
Asbjørn Juncker
Anders W. Berthelsen
Robert Zeuthen
Olaf Johannessen
Kristian Kamper
Jonatan Spang
Kristoffer Kamper
Trine Pallesen
Karen Nebel
Tammi Øst
Birgit Eggert
Peter Mygind
Tage Steiner
Helle Fagralid
Maja Zeuthen
Stig Hoffmeyer
Niels Reinhardt
7.0Flight 29 Down
6.2Pfarrer Braun
8.0Eight Is Enough
6.1Love of Sage
6.6The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant
7.2Murder Chose Me
8.0Matt Houston
6.2Quiz Me Quick
8.6MaiThink X – Die Show
8.0Marry Me
5.9Assy McGee
7.1Inside Hampton Court Palace
6.6Face to Face