Mino was the eighth ZDF-Weihnachtsserie, and aired in 1986. The series was broadcast in Germany on ZDF, and consisted of 6 episodes. Broadcasting in Germany began on December 25, 1986. The series was also broadcast in Italy, and consisted of 4 episodes. Broadcasting in Italy began on December 28, 1986. The series was an Italian-German co-production. It was inspired by the Italian novel The little Alpino by Salvator Gotta.
Mino was the eighth ZDF-Weihnachtsserie, and aired in 1986. The series was broadcast in Germany on ZDF, and consisted of 6 episodes. Broadcasting in Germany began on December 25, 1986. The series was also broadcast in Italy, and consisted of 4 episodes. Broadcasting in Italy began on December 28, 1986. The series was an Italian-German co-production. It was inspired by the Italian novel The little Alpino by Salvator Gotta.
Elite Short Stories: Nadia Guzmán
7.2Whenever Possible
7.8Krieg vor Gericht - Die Jugoslawien-Prozesse
8.0Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
8.3She Was Pretty
8.3The Originals
8.4The Great Chase
6.0Bauhaus: A New Era
7.1Suno Chanda
6.0Grand Shining Hotel
2.8The Flintstone Comedy Hour
8.0The Wilds
7.7Фитиль (тележурнал)
8.7Дом у последнего фонаря
7.0Yasak Elma