SOLO β The Series
SOLO: The Series is an American sci-fi, comedy web series created by and starring Jonathan Nail. The first episode aired on July 6, 2010 on YouTube.
SOLO: The Series is an American sci-fi, comedy web series created by and starring Jonathan Nail. The first episode aired on July 6, 2010 on YouTube.
9 Episodes
Something goes terribly wrong aboard The Artemis and Scott awaits his impending doom while the ship's smart-ass computer, PHAL, sings an uplifting song to soothe Scott's fraying nerves. Show producer, Jack Spratt, sends the now unemployed ground crew running for their lives except for two whom he shanghais into helping him bring Scott home. Jack breaks the bad news to Scott.
July 6, 2010GBC Network Exec, Tripp Steves, bullies Scott into believing he will be home soon. Meanwhile, Scott's wife, Becks, deciphers enough of the geek-speak from Ratish and Gerry to learn that her idiot of a husband is stuck in space until his ship makes the round-trip journey to Mars and back. Jack's dirty little secret surfaces when the Yakuza unexpectedly makes a "business call."
July 13, 2010Scott suffers from the classic Five Stages of Grief. Making personal, desperate calls to the President of the United States and wallowing in his own depression, one might assume he is falling deeper into his own form of space madness. Or is he simply running away? Becks learns that Scott was fired 9 months ago, and the creditors are repossessing her shoes.
July 20, 2010Scott attempts to learn how to fly the ship, only to be distracted by the joys of virtual reality in space. Jack, fearing for his life, makes a break for it...
April 12, 2011The Yakuza put their plan into action - and Scott discovers he is not alone on the ship.
April 18, 2011Space Ninja has subdued Scott and hacks PHAL, but still lacks the access codes she needs to take control of the Artemis.
April 26, 2011PHAL teaches Scott "Wushu" and persuades him to help overthrow the Space Ninja. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the Yakuza Bossman dishes out pain like it was candy at Halloween.
May 2, 2011The Yakuza finally have what they need to take control of the ship. Scott fights back!
May 9, 2011All hell breaks loose. Ratish and Bossman go head to head. Ninja gains full command of the ship's navigation. Scott screws it up, once again.
May 16, 2011