The Super Milk-Chan Show
The Super Milk Chan Show, known in Japan as OH! Super Milk Chan, is an anime comedy about a foul-mouthed girl named Milk P. Chan, who is entrusted by the President of Everything to defend the world, even though she can do very little besides making popular culture references. Its American slogan, as a result, became "Wholesome? Probably not. Good for you? Definitely." Super Milk Chan is produced in Japan by Studio Pierrot. The North American DVD release by A.D. Vision features two different English-dubbed versions: a straight translation of the Japanese version and an Americanized version with western pop culture references and short live-action skits featuring ADV voice cast members.
The Super Milk Chan Show, known in Japan as OH! Super Milk Chan, is an anime comedy about a foul-mouthed girl named Milk P. Chan, who is entrusted by the President of Everything to defend the world, even though she can do very little besides making popular culture references. Its American slogan, as a result, became "Wholesome? Probably not. Good for you? Definitely." Super Milk Chan is produced in Japan by Studio Pierrot. The North American DVD release by A.D. Vision features two different English-dubbed versions: a straight translation of the Japanese version and an Americanized version with western pop culture references and short live-action skits featuring ADV voice cast members.
Go Jetters
7.8The Simpsons
8.0Are You Lost?
8.0Digimon Frontier
8.0Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
8.7Absolute Duo
7.8Courage the Cowardly Dog
8.2Rurouni Kenshin
8.5Digimon Adventure:
7.5Digimon Tamers
8.6Les Rencontres du Papotin
6.8Ushio and Tora
8.1ORESUKI Are you the only one who loves me?
8.5We Never Learn
8.5Eromanga Sensei
5.9Jackie Chan Adventures
8.2Haibane Renmei
7.8Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It
7.6Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century