Earl and Fairy
Hakushaku to Yōsei is a series of light novels written by Mizue Tani and published in Japan by Shueisha. The story is serialized in Cobalt magazine and illustrated by Asako Takaboshi. Shueisha has commercially released two drama CDs and a manga adaptation has begun serialization in The Margaret since the September issue in 2008. An anime adaptation was broadcast from September to December 2008. A visual novel for the PlayStation 2 was released on April 30, 2009.
Hakushaku to Yōsei is a series of light novels written by Mizue Tani and published in Japan by Shueisha. The story is serialized in Cobalt magazine and illustrated by Asako Takaboshi. Shueisha has commercially released two drama CDs and a manga adaptation has begun serialization in The Margaret since the September issue in 2008. An anime adaptation was broadcast from September to December 2008. A visual novel for the PlayStation 2 was released on April 30, 2009.
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It
7.6Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2Black Mirror
8.3Stranger Things
8.6Game of Thrones
8.5The Mandalorian
8.4The Walking Dead
8.1Breaking Bad
8.9The Seven Deadly Sins
8.7Sex Education
8.2Peaky Blinders
8.5Attack on Titan
8.7One-Punch Man
8.4The 100
7.9Death Note
8.6The Last of Us