The story is set in a fictional Germany and centers around the outbreak of bio-mechanical creatures named "Demoniacs", who rise from corpses and attack people mindlessly. All the while, a number of human-turned-Demoniacs appear. Some use their powers for good whilst others for evil. One will rise above all other Demoniacs to become the "Blassreiter".
The story is set in a fictional Germany and centers around the outbreak of bio-mechanical creatures named "Demoniacs", who rise from corpses and attack people mindlessly. All the while, a number of human-turned-Demoniacs appear. Some use their powers for good whilst others for evil. One will rise above all other Demoniacs to become the "Blassreiter".
Masaya Matsukaze
Joseph Jobson
Kenta Miyake
Hermann Saltza
Kana Hanazawa
Junko Minagawa
Malek Yildrim Werner
Unsho Ishizuka
Shido Kasagi
Yuichi Nakamura
Bradley Guildford
Shizuka Itoh
Amanda Werner
Unsho Ishizuka
Gerd Frentzen
Junichi Suwabe
Magwald Xargin
Fumihiko Tachiki
Wolf Göring
Nobuyuki Hiyama
Alvin Lutz
Aya Endo
Mei-Fong Liu
Atsushi Ono
Victor Stachus
Hitomi Nabatame
Alexandra Jobson
Hiroyuki Kinoshita
Matthew Grant
Wataru Hatano
Kumi Sakuma
Jill Hoffmann
Sayaka Ohara
Beatrice Grese
Jesse James: Outlaw Garage
4.0Na lovu
5.9The Tasty Florida
4.7The Moonstone
5.0Age Before Beauty
3.3A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing
6.0Malibu, CA
7.5The Space Shuttle That Fell to Earth
8.0Girl's Day's One Fine Day
8.0Mr. Smith
5.0The Theory of Y
6.5Otasukeya Jinpachi
7.0Into The Skin
10.0End of Empire: The Rise and Fall of Dynasties