The Paul O'Grady Show
The Paul O'Grady Show is a British comedy chat show hosted by Birkenhead-born comedian Paul O'Grady. The format was originally devised by Granada Television and was broadcast on ITV before moving to Channel 4, where the show was produced by Olga TV. The programme is a teatime chat show consisting of a mixture of celebrity guests, comic stunts, musical performances, and occasionally viewer competitions.
The Paul O'Grady Show is a British comedy chat show hosted by Birkenhead-born comedian Paul O'Grady. The format was originally devised by Granada Television and was broadcast on ITV before moving to Channel 4, where the show was produced by Olga TV. The programme is a teatime chat show consisting of a mixture of celebrity guests, comic stunts, musical performances, and occasionally viewer competitions.
Noonas Over Flowers
8.2Manyu Scroll
8.1In the Name of Law and Order
9.0Small & Frye
4.5Bujji & Bhairava
8.0Live in Love
6.5The Adventures of Cyclone Malone
7.0Mændenes Paradis
10.0Run On
7.4The Ex List
3.5Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks
7.2The Legend of Dragon Pearl
8.2Ace of Diamond
5.5YOLO: I Only Live Once
7.5Bad Boyes
7.0Katsugeki: Touken Ranbu
8.0Girls' Last Tour