Les Rescapés
Les Rescapés is a Canadian television drama series, which debuted on Télévision de Radio-Canada in the 2010-11 television season. The series stars Roy Dupuis and Guylaine Tremblay as Gérald and Monique Boivin, the patriarch and matriarch of a family from 1960s-era Montreal who find themselves mysteriously transported into 2010. The cast also includes Maxim Gaudette, Ève Lemieux, Antoine L'Écuyer, Benoît Girard, Céline Bonnier and Yan England.
Les Rescapés is a Canadian television drama series, which debuted on Télévision de Radio-Canada in the 2010-11 television season. The series stars Roy Dupuis and Guylaine Tremblay as Gérald and Monique Boivin, the patriarch and matriarch of a family from 1960s-era Montreal who find themselves mysteriously transported into 2010. The cast also includes Maxim Gaudette, Ève Lemieux, Antoine L'Écuyer, Benoît Girard, Céline Bonnier and Yan England.
Classroom of the Elite
8.5Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!
8.2The Familiar of Zero
8.5The Future Diary
7.6High-Rise Invasion
8.3Redo of Healer
8.4Magical Sempai
8.3Akame ga Kill!
8.3Himouto! Umaru-chan
8.3The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
8.0Chainsaw Man
8.6The Rising of the Shield Hero
8.5Black Clover
8.5Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
8.6Kemono Jihen