6 Episodes
Moog the flatulent feline, Dillon a nervous wreck of a dalmation, Millie a one-bunny demolition disaster, and Lulu the barren bull mastif.
July 14, 2010J.D. the dog who steals pants, Tigerlily the scrapping siamese, Ralph the bullying bunny, and Honkey the jealous cockatoo.
July 21, 2010Whisper the serial killer ferret, Toby the green slime-drooling horse, Clouseau the weeing cat, and Columbo the flatulent pug.
July 28, 2010Lexi the lickaholic dog, George the petulant parrot, Walid a lizard with problem skin, Jasmine the nightmare moggie, Domingo the dominant elpaca.
August 4, 2010Ninja the crazy clawing cat, Rupert the pig with hoggishly bad breath, Dick and Phil the stinky terrapins, and Hope the great dane with a very itchy issue.
August 11, 2010Charley the potty-mouthed parrot, Mitzy the Jack Russell with a problem bottom, Rocco the cat who wants to lick male human nipples, Marley the pint-sized horse who thinks he is a dog, and Dillon the Weimeraner who puts on an embarassing display for visitors.
August 18, 2010