There was a time when gods walked the earth, and warriors were heroes. Their battles and conquests became legend, and the legend lives on. This is the hour of the Gladiators.
There was a time when gods walked the earth, and warriors were heroes. Their battles and conquests became legend, and the legend lives on. This is the hour of the Gladiators.
15 Episodes
Events: Gauntlet, Pyramid, Powerball, Hit & Run
April 29, 1995Events: Suspension Bridge, Hang Tough, Atlasphere, Tilt
May 6, 1995Events: Hit & Run, Wall, Duel, Powerball
May 13, 1995Events: Pyramid, Tilt, Gauntlet, Suspension Bridge
May 20, 1995Events: Gauntlet, Atlasphere, Hang Tough, Suspension Bridge
May 27, 1995Events: Atlasphere, Wall, Hang Tough, Duel
June 3, 1995Events: Powerball, Hang Tough, Wall, Duel
June 10, 1995Events: Pyramid, Gauntlet, Duel, Powerball
June 17, 1995Events: Pyramid, Tilt, Wall, Suspension Bridge
June 24, 1995Events: Powerball, Duel, Hit & Run, Pyramid
July 1, 1995Events: Duel, Pyramid, Hit & Run, Powerball
July 15, 1995Events: Wall, Atlasphere, Hang Tough, Gauntlet
July 8, 1995Events: Suspension Bridge, Pyramid, Powerball, Hang Tough
July 22, 1995Events: Duel, Wall, Tilt, Gauntlet
July 29, 1995Events: Gauntlet, Duel, Pyramid, Hang Tough
August 5, 1995