Rin Tsuchimi, a normal seventeen-year-old second-year high school student finds himself sought after by a variety of girls. Eight years prior, he lost his parents in a car accident that also took the life of Kaede Fuyou's mother. From that point onwards, he began living with her. At around the same time he lost his parents, he met Lisianthus and Nerine at different times who each were accompanying their fathers on a diplomatic business in the human world. Each girl became lost after wandering through the human world. During that time, Rin befriended each girl after playing with them for a day. As a result of his kindness, Rin finds himself as the potential marriage candidate for both Lisianthus and Nerine, the daughters of the king of the gods and king of the demon worlds, who recently transfer to Rin's school.
Rin Tsuchimi, a normal seventeen-year-old second-year high school student finds himself sought after by a variety of girls. Eight years prior, he lost his parents in a car accident that also took the life of Kaede Fuyou's mother. From that point onwards, he began living with her. At around the same time he lost his parents, he met Lisianthus and Nerine at different times who each were accompanying their fathers on a diplomatic business in the human world. Each girl became lost after wandering through the human world. During that time, Rin befriended each girl after playing with them for a day. As a result of his kindness, Rin finds himself as the potential marriage candidate for both Lisianthus and Nerine, the daughters of the king of the gods and king of the demon worlds, who recently transfer to Rin's school.
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun
8.4You're Not a Monster
6.2Breaking Bad
8.7Stranger Things
8.6The Boys
8.5Squid Game
8.4Attack on Titan
8.7Game of Thrones
8.5Rick and Morty
8.2Malcolm in the Middle
8.3The Big Bang Theory
8.3Death Note
8.6Black Mirror