Barefoot in the Park
Barefoot in the Park is an American sitcom that aired in 1970 on ABC. Based on the Neil Simon Broadway play of the same name, the series cast members are predominantly black, making it the first American television sitcom since Amos 'n' Andy to have a predominantly black cast. Barefoot in the Park had also previously been a successful 1967 film starring Robert Redford and Jane Fonda.
Pekín Express
5.8My Fair Lady
6.5Men of the World
5.0Docteur Claire Bellac
10.0Back to Basketball
4.0The Last Immortal
5.0Hemsley + Hemsley: Healthy and Delicious
6.0Gorky 53
6.8Pain, Pus and Poison: The Search for Modern Medicines
8.0Midi Première
10.0S.C.I: Journal of Mysterious Case
8.0Someone in this town
7.7Office of Practical Jokes
10.0Yo! MTV Raps
7.5Peter Crouch Save Our Summer
5.0Battle Skipper
8.0The Fairy Dream of Yelouli