Seven of One
Seven of One was a British comedy series that aired on BBC2 in 1973. Starring Ronnie Barker, 7 of One is a series of seven separate comedies that would serve as possible pilots for sitcoms. Originally it was to be called Six of One, which Barker planned to follow up with another series called Half Dozen of the Other. This was a BBC version of a similar showcase for LWT called Six Dates with Barker created in 1971.
7.0Por el nombre de Dios
10.0Kiss of the Cobra
8.0Nero Wolfe
4.0The Corridor People
4.0Erwtas Me Diafora
8.5Hartz und Herzlich
7.0All Together Now
9.0The Enchanted World of Brambly Hedge
7.0What We Saw
10.0A nagy ho-ho-horgász
5.6Bullets, Boots and Bandages: How to Really Win at War
7.0The Big Lie