Ballykissangel is a BBC television drama set in Ireland, produced in-house by BBC Northern Ireland. The original story revolved around a young English Roman Catholic priest as he became part of a rural community. It ran for six series, which were first broadcast on BBC One in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2001.
Ballykissangel is a BBC television drama set in Ireland, produced in-house by BBC Northern Ireland. The original story revolved around a young English Roman Catholic priest as he became part of a rural community. It ran for six series, which were first broadcast on BBC One in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2001.
Niall Tóibín
Father Mac
Bosco Hogan
Doc Ryan
Gary Whelan
Brendan Kearney
Deirdre Donnelly
Siobhan Mehigan
Joe Savino
Liam Coghlan
Frankie McCafferty
Donal Doherty
Aine Ni Mhuiri
Kathleen Hendley
Robert Taylor
Fr. Vincent Sheahan
Katie Cullen
Grainne Dooley
Owen Roe
Paul Dooley
Catherine Cusack
Frankie Sullivan
Susannah Doyle
Avril Burke
Marion O'Dwyer
Oonagh Dooley
Paul Ronan
Edso Dowling
Mick Lally
Louis Dargan
Ciarán Owens
Dermot Dooley
Man v. Food
6.5Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2Stranger Things
8.6Breaking Bad
8.9The Walking Dead
8.1The Seven Deadly Sins
8.4The Mandalorian
8.4Game of Thrones
8.5Black Mirror
8.3Attack on Titan
8.7The Queen's Gambit
8.5Sex Education
8.2The Simpsons
8.3Dragon Ball Super
8.2W: Two Worlds Apart
6.9The 100
7.9Peaky Blinders