Beating Heart
Beating Heart is a South Korean television drama series, produced by the MBC network and broadcast in 2005. The series consists of six two-part stories, with each story having its own team of writer and director. It focuses on the lives of a typical Korean family, examining the relationships between the four main characters, their romantic interests, and other family members, while answering the question "When did you feel your heart beating the hardest?" In 2006, the series was broadcast by the KBFD network in Hawaii as My Trembling Heart. It has also been released on DVD in South Korea and Japan.
Beating Heart is a South Korean television drama series, produced by the MBC network and broadcast in 2005. The series consists of six two-part stories, with each story having its own team of writer and director. It focuses on the lives of a typical Korean family, examining the relationships between the four main characters, their romantic interests, and other family members, while answering the question "When did you feel your heart beating the hardest?" In 2006, the series was broadcast by the KBFD network in Hawaii as My Trembling Heart. It has also been released on DVD in South Korea and Japan.
8.1Neon Genesis Evangelion
8.6Ici tout commence
6.8The Walking Dead
8.1House of the Dragon
8.4Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
8.3Parks and Recreation
8.0Breaking Bad
8.9iPartment Fantasy: Legend of Spicy Heroes
6.3Ash vs Evil Dead
7.7Black Mirror
8.3The Eric Andre Show
7.9House of Cards
8.0Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
7.5Patrick Melrose
7.9Trump: An American Dream
6.3The Take
7.6Captain Video and His Video Rangers