Leonardo is a British children's television series broadcast on CBBC. The show is an adventure programme featuring a teenage Leonardo da Vinci starring Jonathan Bailey. The series is set in 15th-century Florence. A second series premiered on CBBC on 20 September 2012, starting with episodes one and two being shown back to back. For Series 2, actor James Clyde replaced Alistair McGowan in the role of Piero de' Medici. It was announced on 21 January 2013 that Leonardo would not be recommissioned for a third series.
Leonardo is a British children's television series broadcast on CBBC. The show is an adventure programme featuring a teenage Leonardo da Vinci starring Jonathan Bailey. The series is set in 15th-century Florence. A second series premiered on CBBC on 20 September 2012, starting with episodes one and two being shown back to back. For Series 2, actor James Clyde replaced Alistair McGowan in the role of Piero de' Medici. It was announced on 21 January 2013 that Leonardo would not be recommissioned for a third series.
8.2My Love From Another Star
8.3Boys Over Flowers
8.3W: Two Worlds Apart
8.5Personal Taste
8.6My First First Love
8.3Better Call Saul
8.7I Am Not a Robot
8.3Sex Education
8.2The Walking Dead
8.1The Mandalorian
8.4Orphan Black
7.8Oh My Venus
8.1My Only Love Song
8.2The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
8.1Doom at Your Service
7.9Love Is in the Air
8.2Flower of Evil