Whiskey Echo
As a group of young multi-national relief workers struggle to deliver medical aid on the front lines of civil war in South Sudan, natural and human catastrophes lead to escalating conflict and famine. Tension becomes unbearable as larger and larger civilian populations are displaced.
4 Episodes
E01 Episode 1
Team co-ordinator Jenna tackles local counterpart Gathon Nok about the disappearance of the clinic's supplies.
January 17, 2005E02 Episode 2
The medical team experience the horrific consequences of the civil war at first hand and struggle against impossible conditions to treat those injured in the conflict.
January 24, 2005E03 Episode 3
The doctors are forced to treat wounded soldiers, including Nok, endangering their status as a neutral clinic. Bernie warns Jenna not to trust Simon, Mo struggles to perform a difficult appendectomy on a child, and a local woman is appointed as a trainee nurse. Rachel and Rafe sleep together, leaving Carlo devastated, and news reaches the team about a massacre at the village.
January 31, 2005E04 Episode 4
Fighting breaks out around the clinic, and the medics have to evacuate. A wounded Rafe has to guide Mo through his own surgery, while Jenna decides to stay behind when the others leave. A local trainee offers to take over the TB treatments, and Kim undergoes his coming-of-age ceremony. Simon Mabor decides to make a deal with Nok, urging the clan leaders to abandon their rivalry and work together to protect Nuer land - but his proposal is rejected, with horrific consequences.
February 7, 2005