Beware the Batman
Set during Bruce Wayne's early years as the Batman, following his initial period of battling organized crime. He hones his skills with the assistance of his butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce is introduced to Alfred's goddaughter, Tatsu Yamashiro. Tatsu is a martial arts swordsmaster hired to act as Bruce's bodyguard, but also recruited to act as a superhero partner to Batman.
Set during Bruce Wayne's early years as the Batman, following his initial period of battling organized crime. He hones his skills with the assistance of his butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce is introduced to Alfred's goddaughter, Tatsu Yamashiro. Tatsu is a martial arts swordsmaster hired to act as Bruce's bodyguard, but also recruited to act as a superhero partner to Batman.
The Bat Man of Shanghai
7.9Thunder in Paradise
6.4A Cook's Tour
8.8Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
6.7Batman Unlimited
7.0Pee-wee's Playhouse
7.2Black Dynamite
7.5Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!
8.0Superman: The Animated Series
7.6Generator Rex
6.7Samurai Jack
7.9Percy Jackson and the Olympians
8.3Steven Universe
8.4Batman: The Animated Series
6.9Gravity Falls