Le Bureau
Le Bureau was a 2006 French television show that aired on Canal+. It is a French version of the popular British television series The Office. Le Bureau essentially adapted the scripts of the original British series, with proper names and cultural references appropriately changed.
Le Bureau was a 2006 French television show that aired on Canal+. It is a French version of the popular British television series The Office. Le Bureau essentially adapted the scripts of the original British series, with proper names and cultural references appropriately changed.
François Berléand
Gilles Triquet, Directeur Régional de la Cogirep sur Villepinte
Xavier Robic
Félix Pradier, Stagiaire
Jérémie Elkaïm
Paul Delorme, Commercial
Benoît Carré
Joël Liotard, Assistant du directeur Régional
Jacques-Yves Dorges
Bernard Giraud, Commercial
Frédéric Merlo
Daniel Gabarda, chef comptable
Jean-Pierre Loustau
Didier Leguélec, Représentant
Astrid Bas
Juliette Lebrac, Responsable de Cogirep France
Solène Bouton
Jennifer Langlois
Alka Balbir
Laetitia Kadiri, Chef Réceptionniste