Funny Pets
Funny Pets is a digital computer anime series created and directed by Ryuji Masuda that was made in 2006. The sound effects were made by Shizuo Kurahashi. The plot of the series is that a UFO carrying two aliens from another planet ends up falling into Earth, where they are saved by a moody air-headed showgirl called Funny. The two aliens, the moon-like Crescent and the sun-like Corona, must adjust to life as Funny's pets. There are twelve episodes in the series.
Funny Pets is a digital computer anime series created and directed by Ryuji Masuda that was made in 2006. The sound effects were made by Shizuo Kurahashi. The plot of the series is that a UFO carrying two aliens from another planet ends up falling into Earth, where they are saved by a moody air-headed showgirl called Funny. The two aliens, the moon-like Crescent and the sun-like Corona, must adjust to life as Funny's pets. There are twelve episodes in the series.
The Idol
5.4Star Trek: The Next Generation
8.4The First 48
7.9Battlestar Galactica
8.2Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life
7.3Stargate Universe
7.4Last Man Standing
6.7Doctor Foster
7.1Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears
7.4WKRP in Cincinnati
7.1Game of Thrones
8.5The Langoliers
6.4Dear Child
7.9Death Comes to Pemberley
6.8Masters of the Air
7.8Happy Days