Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa
Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa or Never Be Alone is a Filipino drama series created and written by Dode Cruz, under the direction of Gil Tejada, aired on GMA Network. This series headlines Jennylyn Mercado and Sid Lucero, Frank Magalona, Krystal Reyes and Angelu de Leon. The series premiered on July 9, 2012 replacing Hiram na Puso on GMA Afternoon Prime block and July 11, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa will end on October 26, 2012 and to be replaced by Yesterday's Bride. It ran for 16 weeks with a total of 80 episodes overall.
Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa or Never Be Alone is a Filipino drama series created and written by Dode Cruz, under the direction of Gil Tejada, aired on GMA Network. This series headlines Jennylyn Mercado and Sid Lucero, Frank Magalona, Krystal Reyes and Angelu de Leon. The series premiered on July 9, 2012 replacing Hiram na Puso on GMA Afternoon Prime block and July 11, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa will end on October 26, 2012 and to be replaced by Yesterday's Bride. It ran for 16 weeks with a total of 80 episodes overall.
Jennylyn Mercado
Elisa Santos
Sid Lucero
Andrew Villagracia
Krystal Reyes
Angelica Montenegro
Frank Magalona
Mark Calderon
Angelu de Leon
Jordana Montenegro
Glydel Mercado
Maita Montenegro
Lloyd Samartino
Bernard Montenegro
Liza Lorena
Doña Asuncion Montenegro
Carl Guevarra
Joey Paras
Saab Magalona
Celine Montenegro