Faerie Tale Theatre
A live-action children's television anthology series retelling popular fairy tales.
A live-action children's television anthology series retelling popular fairy tales.
2 Episodes
Robin Williams and Terri Garr star in this wonderful adaption of the frog prince. Angered by the lack of an invitation to the christening, the prince's godmother goes into a rage and transforms the baby into a frog. A few years later the beautiful and vain princess loses her magic ball down the well,the frog takes pity on her and gets it out in exchange for a night in the castle, he will eat with her and sleep with her.she tries to blow him off but the king (Rene` Auberjournois) finds out and forces her to let the frog stay.after a brilliant battle with a scorpion the princess kisses him and "POOF," he turns back into a prince.
September 11, 1982Boasting about one's daughter is one thing, Telling the king she can spin straw into gold is quite another- especially when the penalty for failure is death!What will the millers daughter do? call on the assistance of a strange little man who in exchange for spinning straw into gold -- wants her first born child! The only way to save herself from a terrible fate is to guess the little man's name.
October 16, 1982