UFO Robot Grendizer
The story revolves around Duke Fleed who is a survivor of the Vega Star, raised by Dr. Umon as his adoptive son, and known as Daisuke Umon on Earth. Years after his arrival, he's faced with the threat of King Vega and his army, who want to conquer the Earth. With his friends Koji and Hikaru (and later his kid sister Maria Grace), Duke decides to fight back using his best weapon, the almighty Grendizer.
The story revolves around Duke Fleed who is a survivor of the Vega Star, raised by Dr. Umon as his adoptive son, and known as Daisuke Umon on Earth. Years after his arrival, he's faced with the threat of King Vega and his army, who want to conquer the Earth. With his friends Koji and Hikaru (and later his kid sister Maria Grace), Duke decides to fight back using his best weapon, the almighty Grendizer.
Kei Tomiyama
Duke Fleed / Daisuke Umon
Hiroya Ishimaru
Koji Kabuto
Joji Yanami
Genzo Umon / Great King Vega
Chiyoko Kawashima
Hikaru Makiba
Kosei Tomita
Danbei Makiba / General Gandal / Nuke / Whiter
Kazuko Sawada
Goro Makiba / Lady Gandal
Rihoko Yoshida
Grace Maria Fleed / Commander Marine
Banjo Ginga
Science Minister Zuril
Kenichi Ogata
Blaki / Bunta Arano
Keaton Yamada
Akira Hayashi
Nobuyo Tsuda
Hara Arano
Hiroshi Ôtake
Isamu Tanonaka
Keiichi Noda
Captain Gorman
Kōko Kagawa
Commander Mineo
Akira Kamiya
Kazuko Sugiyama
Commander Kirika
Toru Furuya
Ryoichi Tanaka
Zuril Junior
Noriko Ohara
Princess Rubina
Jane Val
Daniel Gall
Actarus / Prince d'Euphor
Pierre Guillermo
Michel Gatineau
Professeur Procyon
Jean-Claude Michel
Jacques Ferrière
Marcelle Lajeunesse
Jacques Berthier
Véga, le Grand Stratéguerre
Marc de Géorgi
Tomorrow's Joe
7.8Last Exile
7.0Phantom Quest Corp.
7.3Dream Fighter Wingman
8.0Blague à part
6.5Gowappā Faibu Gōdamu
10.0Wistoria: Wand and Sword
7.8The Thorn Birds
7.2Captain Future
8.1Inspector Gadget
6.9According to Jim
6.5Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
7.0Schitt's Creek
7.7The Rising of the Shield Hero
6.9Dragon Ball
8.3The Witcher