Unforgettable is a Filipino romantic fantasy drama series created by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan and produced by GMA Network. The series premiered on February 25, 2013, replacing Yesterday's Bride on the network's coveted Afternoon Prime block and February 27, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It concluded its fourteen weeks run on May 31, 2013 with the total of sixty-seven episodes, and replaced by Mga Basang Sisiw on its timeslot. It is executive produced by Darling Pulido Torres. The series is under the direction of Gina Alajar and headlines Kylie Padilla, Mark Herras, Benjamin Alves, Pauleen Luna, Polo Ravales and Phillip Salvador. The series tells the story of ill-fated lover, Anna and Ed and their undying love for each other which will prove how love lives beyond death.
Unforgettable is a Filipino romantic fantasy drama series created by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan and produced by GMA Network. The series premiered on February 25, 2013, replacing Yesterday's Bride on the network's coveted Afternoon Prime block and February 27, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It concluded its fourteen weeks run on May 31, 2013 with the total of sixty-seven episodes, and replaced by Mga Basang Sisiw on its timeslot. It is executive produced by Darling Pulido Torres. The series is under the direction of Gina Alajar and headlines Kylie Padilla, Mark Herras, Benjamin Alves, Pauleen Luna, Polo Ravales and Phillip Salvador. The series tells the story of ill-fated lover, Anna and Ed and their undying love for each other which will prove how love lives beyond death.
Kylie Padilla
Rosanna "Anna" Caruhatan
Mark Herras
Eduardo "Ed" Manalastas
Benjamin Alves
Miguel de Ocampo
Pauleen Luna
Constance "Connie" de Ocampo
Phillip Salvador
Manuel de Ocampo
Polo Ravales
Arnold Regalado
Glydel Mercado
Elvira Caruhatan
Carmi Martin
Consuelo "Concha" de Ocampo
Timmy Cruz
Raymunda "Munding" Manalastas
Total Drama World Tour
8.0Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!
7.0Total Drama: Revenge of the Island
6.7YuruYuri: Happy Go Lily
7.8Magical Sempai
8.3Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
8.2House of Ninjas
7.1Ben 10
8.1The Future Diary
8.3Web Junk 20
8.4Kid vs. Kat
7.9Dragon Ball GT
7.7Rocket Power
7.7Blend · S