Gerry Anderson & Christopher Burr's Terrahawks, simply referred to as Terrahawks, was a 1980s British science fiction television series produced by Anderson Burr Pictures and created by the production team of Gerry Anderson and Christopher Burr. The show was Anderson's first in over a decade to utilize puppets for its characters, and also his last. Anderson's previous puppet-laden TV series included Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons. Set in the year 2020, the series followed the adventures of the Terrahawks, a taskforce responsible for protecting Earth from invasion by a group of extraterrestrial androids and aliens led by Zelda. Like Anderson's previous puppet series, futuristic vehicles and technology featured prominently in each episode.
Agatha Christie's Poirot
8.1Battlestar Galactica
8.2Better Call Saul
8.7Frank Herbert's Dune
6.9Battlestar Galactica
8.2My Name Is Earl
7.7Game of Thrones
7.9Downton Abbey
8.1The X-Files
8.4Jean-Claude Van Johnson
6.6Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
7.9Orphan Black
7.8Mr. Robot
8.2The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
8.0Sleepy Hollow
7.4Being Human