Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman
Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman is a Japanese anime television series created by studio TMS Entertainment, based on the CR Ginroku Gijinden Roman pachinko game, with original character designs by Lupin III creator Monkey Punch. In the fantasy historical story, the main character is a "helper" named Manjirou by day and a phantom thief "retriever" named Roman by night. Roman steals back people's precious items that were unfairly taken from them.
Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman is a Japanese anime television series created by studio TMS Entertainment, based on the CR Ginroku Gijinden Roman pachinko game, with original character designs by Lupin III creator Monkey Punch. In the fantasy historical story, the main character is a "helper" named Manjirou by day and a phantom thief "retriever" named Roman by night. Roman steals back people's precious items that were unfairly taken from them.
Eri Kitamura
Koharu (voice)
Hiroaki Miura
Conty (voice)
Kenichi Ogata
Gennai Hiraga (voice)
Kanako Miyamoto
Orin (voice)
Saori Sudo
Kanade Yorozuhachiman (voice)
Takashi Matsuyama
Hans von Rubelt (voice)
Fumihiko Tachiki
Yanagisawa (voice)
Hiroshi Yanaka
Sanosuke Kitagiri (voice)
Chihiro Suzuki
Yasuhiro Togawa (voice)
Kazuya Ichijo
Kanbe Kuroda (voice)
Hiroki Yasumoto
Perry (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Magoichi Suzuki (voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Manjiro "Roman" Tasukeya (voice)
Issei Futamata
Jirokichi (voice)
Maaya Uchida
Okuni (voice)
Night Raid 1931
7.0A Week To My Wedding
4.8Les Marmottes
9.0Make a Face
10.0Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles
8.3Almost Live!
5.5Happy Life
8.0La grande librairie
6.0World of Super Sand Box
7.3Hitched In Vegas
5.4مواسم الحب
7.0Lost in the Shadows
6.8This Is Your Life
6.4아무튼 출근!
9.0I'm Joybo
9.2Sea of Souls
7.5Fafner in the Azure: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond