TAXA is a Danish television drama made by Danmarks Radio with 56 episodes, written by Stig Thorsboe and produced by Rumble Hammerich. The series revolves around a small taxi central, CrownTaxi, in Copenhagen. The series was a success from the start, 14 September 1997 on DR1. The series was broadcast during the period 1997-1999 for a total of five series. CrownTaxi has its ups and downs and in the course of the series, following the various drivers, radio opertor Lizzie and boss Verner Boye-Larsen. They have all their problems both with clients and family life and constantly threaten the show's villain Hermann from the competing taxi firm, City Car, which wants to take over the CrownTaxi. TAXA was also screened in Sweden on SVT1.
TAXA is a Danish television drama made by Danmarks Radio with 56 episodes, written by Stig Thorsboe and produced by Rumble Hammerich. The series revolves around a small taxi central, CrownTaxi, in Copenhagen. The series was a success from the start, 14 September 1997 on DR1. The series was broadcast during the period 1997-1999 for a total of five series. CrownTaxi has its ups and downs and in the course of the series, following the various drivers, radio opertor Lizzie and boss Verner Boye-Larsen. They have all their problems both with clients and family life and constantly threaten the show's villain Hermann from the competing taxi firm, City Car, which wants to take over the CrownTaxi. TAXA was also screened in Sweden on SVT1.
Pernille Højmark
Lotte Nielsen
Zlatko Burić
Meho Selimoviz
Pia Vieth
Birgit Boye-Larsen
Jesper Lohmann
Finn Johansen
Leif Sylvester
Tom Lund
Peter Gantzler
Mike Engholm / Taxa Mike
John Hahn-Petersen
Verner Boye-Larsen
Margrethe Koytu
Lizzie Boye-Larsen
Anders W. Berthelsen
René Boye-Larsen
Peter Mygind
Andreas Lund-Andersen
Helene Egelund