Super Mario Brothers: Amada Anime Series
Amada Anime Series: Super Mario Bros. is a series of three direct-to-video OVAs produced by Studio Junio, licensed by Nintendo, and released on VHS tapes on August 3, 1989, exclusively in Japan. The plot of the episodes involve characters from the Mario franchise in the stories of three fairy tales: Momotarō, Issun-bōshi and Snow White.
The Old Man
7.2Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
8.2The Agency
7.5The Helpful Fox Senko-san
8.5My Lady Jane
7.5Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
7.2Dune: Prophecy
7.6Boundless Love
9.1The Shadow Team
7.6The Long Night
8.6Parks and Recreation
8.0Agatha Christie's Poirot
8.1A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
7.4Top Boy
8.0Days of Our Lives
6.0The Rookie