Masterchef Italy
Italian adaptation of the MasterChef format. The show features a series of challenges in which contestants must demonstrate their culinary skills. These include knowledge of edible products, exceptional creativity, and mastery of various cooking techniques and recipes. Additionally, contestants are expected to show adaptability in different situations, game strategy, and human charisma.
Italian adaptation of the MasterChef format. The show features a series of challenges in which contestants must demonstrate their culinary skills. These include knowledge of edible products, exceptional creativity, and mastery of various cooking techniques and recipes. Additionally, contestants are expected to show adaptability in different situations, game strategy, and human charisma.
Bruno Barbieri - 4 Hotel
8.5Un giorno in pretura
8.2The Final Table
6.5To the Moon and Back
4.2Yi Zhongtian: Analysis of the Three Kingdoms
9.0Roll Over Beethoven
5.0Dark Night and Dawn
6.6Seal In Time
8.0Romesh: Talking to Comedians
5.0No Path Back
9.2Générations guerres d'Algérie
10.0Smile of the Arsnotoria the Animation
5.1Galaxy Racers