Shock Horror Aunty
Direct from ABC TV's complaints desk, this special shines the spotlight on some of Aunty's edgiest and cheekiest moments. Programs causing outrage amongst viewers, the media or ABC TV management over the last few decades.
Direct from ABC TV's complaints desk, this special shines the spotlight on some of Aunty's edgiest and cheekiest moments. Programs causing outrage amongst viewers, the media or ABC TV management over the last few decades.
2 Episodes
From Norman Gunston upstaging Gough Whitlam at The Dismissal, we revisit Elle McFeast's infamous bosom dance and the naughty, naked Alvin Purple and friend cavorting in a bathtub of spaghetti. There's the nude band on Andrew Denton's Blah Blah Blah and John Safran turning the current affairs table on a very upset Ray Martin. Of course it wouldn't be complete without The Chaser's APEC stunt.
February 6, 2013Joining Craig to find out why 'Aunty's' comedy has seen us hot under the collar are some of the people who actually did challenge convention. Andrew Denton, one of Australia's television icons spills the beans on what happened when the all male nude band went to air. Elle McFeast (Libbi Gorr) was one of the most groundbreaking comical characters of her time. She was brazen, brash, yet charmingly disarming, with shows such as Live and Sweaty, McFeast, and Sex, Guys and Videotape. Phil Lloyd, creator and star of the groundbreaking comedy series Review with Myles Barlow, talks about his review of having paid sex with a prostitute, and At Home with Julia, in particular the infamous 'PM having sex under the Australian flag' scene.
February 13, 2013