Soda is a French television series produced by CALT. The series follows Adam, an 18-year-old high school student as he struggles with amusing yet realistic everyday issues. His group of friends are always there to help him through it all.
Soda is a French television series produced by CALT. The series follows Adam, an 18-year-old high school student as he struggles with amusing yet realistic everyday issues. His group of friends are always there to help him through it all.
Kev Adams
Adam Fontella
William Lebghil
Slimane « Slim » Elboughi, l'ami d'Adam
Gaël Cottat
Ludovic « Ludo » Drancourt, l'ami d'Adam
Laurence Oltuski
Élisabeth « Babeth » Fontella, la mère d'Adam
Guy Lecluyse
Michel Fontella, le père d'Adam
Alika Del Sol
Malika Elboughi, la mère de Slimane et amie de Babeth
Chantal Garrigues
Gisèle Favrot, la mère de Babeth et la grand-mère d'Adam et Ève
Lucie Boujenah
Jenna Malaurie, la lycéenne dont Adam est vainement amoureux
Louise Blachère
Stéphanie « le Cafard » Bouvier, l'amie de Jenna, petite amie de Slimane
Jéromine Chasseriaud
Juliette Juhel, la petite amie d'Adam
Frank Bellocq
Patrick, le surveillant du lycée
Dominique Frot
Solange Vergneaux, la principale du lycée
8.5Samurai Girls
6.7Prise au piège
4.9Black Mirror
8.3Buffy the Vampire Slayer
8.1Mr. Robot
8.2The Sopranos
8.2E! True Hollywood Story
8.0Rick and Morty
8.7Stranger Things
8.6One-Punch Man
8.4The Ren & Stimpy Show
8.0Hawaii Five-0
7.8Breaking Bad
8.9Chainsaw Man