A dark comedy that follows Carson, a free-spirited girl in her late-twenties who lacks direction in her life. She has no job, no true 'passion' or calling, but she has a solid group of friends, an online Vlog she updates regularly, and a steady boyfriend - though he doesn't quite understand her quarter-life crisis. After landing a job as a casting assistant to entertainment industry titan Aggie Carter, Carson's journey towards self-discovery goes from zero to full-speed almost instantly.
A dark comedy that follows Carson, a free-spirited girl in her late-twenties who lacks direction in her life. She has no job, no true 'passion' or calling, but she has a solid group of friends, an online Vlog she updates regularly, and a steady boyfriend - though he doesn't quite understand her quarter-life crisis. After landing a job as a casting assistant to entertainment industry titan Aggie Carter, Carson's journey towards self-discovery goes from zero to full-speed almost instantly.
Say Yes to the Dress UK
9.8Éjjel-Nappal Budapest
7.5A Man Called Huang Guo Sheng
9.0My Neighbor Seki and Rumi's Phenomenon
9.0Trial Marriage
7.0What About Mimi?
5.0Και Πάλι Φίλοι
5.0Simple Samosa
5.4Pretty Little Liars
7.1Train Man
7.9Unshakable Faith
9.0H24: 24 Hours, 24 Women, 24 Stories
8.0Mr Moon
10.0A Familiar Stranger
8.2Professione fantasma